• Question: Does space i own the satellites? If not who does? Also who launches them?

    Asked by owens dog to Reshma, Alison on 5 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Alison Dufresne

      Alison Dufresne answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      I haven’t heard of Space i but satellites are usually owned by, and launched by, a bunch of companies and/or governments. Someday it might be affordable for individual people to own and launch them but for now it takes a lot of cooperation to get something into orbit!

    • Photo: Reshma Vora

      Reshma Vora answered on 6 Nov 2018:

      Usually the companies who built the satellite own them, and this can be a small team of companies as well. Satellites need to be launched on a rocket so it really takes the involvement of space companies like NASA to launch them
