• Question: is engineering complicated?

    Asked by Emma to Samuel, Reshma, raam, K-Jo, Alison on 14 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: K-Jo O'Flynn

      K-Jo O'Flynn answered on 14 Nov 2018:

      Yep it is:D But that’s the fun of it! There’s always new problems you come across which you always have to find ten different options around and you are always learning something new all the time:D There’s always a new discovery to be found in engineering and it’s sometimes difficult to find those discoveries but they are completely worth the hard work because they always benefit the world in an amazing way:D

    • Photo: Reshma Vora

      Reshma Vora answered on 14 Nov 2018:

      Yes it is, but if you’ve got the right attitude and if you’re up for a challenge, you’ll enjoy how complicated it is and the feeling of satisfaction when you complete a task is the best ever!
